Monday, December 16, 2013

Blogmas Day 16: Musing Monday #1

Hey guys!

So I've decided to start up a few memes on my blog, nothing major, maybe once or twice a week, and what better day to start off with than Monday?

'Musing Monday' is a meme hosted by the blog 'Should Be Reading', and basically what you do is muse on one of the topics they give you. Nice way to ease into the week, huh?

This week the first suggestion was to "Describe one of your reading habits", which is perfect for me, because my list is endless! Haha

Recognise this?..

Yeah.. this has to be the worst reading habit ever!

Whenever I'm reading a book, the physical copy that is, I always find that, to get comfortable, it's almost necessary for me to curl the front cover. On second thought, it's not even just with physical copies. I've noticed that I fold the front cover of my Kindle case too, around to the back, and because it's leather, it really weakens the spine of the case. The solution to that one is obvious though, I can just take the Kindle out of the case when reading, but my poor books, they can never be fixed! Haha

Alright so that's it for today's post! Please tell me, in the comments, that some share the same habit, so I don't feel too weird! Haha. If you have a different reading habit tell me! You're clearly not the only one! ;)

See you tomorrow guys, with day 17!
(Oh and p.s. I only have two exams left, so happy!)

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